Friday, January 29, 2010

A Candle

Lit by the hidden power of serving,
The candle burns its stony qualities,
With its own holy fire
To become resplendent,
Melting in His tenderness, it
Perishes its self in its formlessness
To be one again with the source
Of all lightness.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

tear of love

I speak without judgment
You listen
You hear me for the first time
You share openly
I understand your pain
I know your sadness
I am filled with compassion
for you
for me
New beginnings
Happy endings
Our Love Story begins
Completion, resolution, peace
We are woven from the same cloth
I embrace our oneness
I belong
In the circle of your Love
In the circle of my Love
Tears of joy
Song of Soul
Angels are singing
At last, together in Love


My native town is X. We have settled down here since my grandfather was a child. In other words, my family has lived here for more than one hundred years.

  It is a small village. There are about one thousand inhabitants. Most of them are farmers. The mode of their living is very simple. However, they have already possessed television sets and refrigerators. They made up their minds to live a modern life.


I am living worried every second
Because my story is slowly undressing
I am getting questioned about my life
They want to know if its all a lie
All because of a single line
For all they want is just the truth
Is it this country that I salute
I put my head down with shame and I say no
A lonesome voice says it real slow
It is not my life that I am living
Because to this country my soul I am giving
It claims it hates me for being me
But it does not help me to set me free
So I continue to stay real firm
I guess this bastard child will never learn

Paddy’s Feeling Here

Paddy’s feeling here is easy to describe,
Nothing’s interesting enough to inscribe.
Money nowadays seems to be inevitable,
Without it everything turns to be impossible.
I often go out dreaming of a part-time job,
But the result keeps making me only sob.
Then we move to my academic side,
I’m telling you all with nothing to hide.
The teachers as well are common here,
They do nothing but lead you no where.
So further education can only be done,
By self-learning without girls for fun.
As you know the girls here look better,
But easily they can also lose temper.
Not for life’s wife but for one night,
To choose them never fails to be right.
You may ask Paddy to go & have a try,
Actually my pocket always feels shy.
My brother Sam, Leo, Eric, David and Bobby,
I promise they can make you great happy.

After Dante’s entrance to paradise

They were at the north gate
watching the fading sunset
while they held hands and wait
for the last hours to separate.

Luminous wings in flight
across the east fiery dessert
where his kind breed from it
-the malicious mystics’ obscure secret;

As darkness halt kiss the summit
the distant hermitage of the west
where sages and masters fight
against the ghost with-in inhabit;

And to the south she finds rest
after the fatal fall of the great state
of sword and shield, of war and conflict
to reclaim Eden in hundred years of quest.

They were at the north gate
soldiers and warriors of the light
watching the dying mighty beast
and his princely shadow fading like mist.